13 May, 2006



Gujarati Friends! Gujarat is scaling new heights on the path of progress. The Gujarati language blogs are gaining widespread popularity in the US, the UK and other countries of the world.

The Gujarati literature is being enriched by novel ideas and experimentation. Here you will get a glimpse of such efforts.

Please CLICK on the "image" below for clarity of the letters:


Think Life said...

Thank you, Sureshbhai! Your words are encouraging.

Anonymous said...

You are really "NavSarjak" Sir.I dont have depth knowledge of Literature so I never knows about Mukatpanchika..Thanks..for Info.and all r really Nice..

I love any creation which touches to our emotions ..

"Range Tarange.." and "Vishav Falak .." is superb Creation.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting lines..